More Joy than ever in New Brunswick Award!

Exciting news for New Brunswick Joy applicants! New for 2013, the New Brunswick Joy Award welcomes new partners Equifilm, CinemaTick and Insurmountable Sounds!

Equifilm is the go-to equipment source for New Brunswick and the CinemaTick/Insurmountable Sounds team bring post and sound expertise.

Find out about Equifilm on their Facebook page!
Visit CinemaTick and Insurmountable Sounds at “The Bunker” website!

The New Brunswick Joy Award deadline is October 18th.
The Award now includes:

$10,000 in equipment resources from Equifilm.
$7,500 in HD Video Finishing and Audio Mixing from The PostMan Post-Production Studio.
$7,500 in post services from CinemaTick and Insurmountable Sounds.
$5,500 in equipment or facilities from the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative.
$1000 cash from New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative.
$1,000 in film stock from Kodak Canada Inc.

Application form is on the NB Award page under “Awards” navigation menu. Get in touch if you have questions!