All posts by admin

Apply by email

Remember you can now apply by email.

To keep up with standard practices in the film and media arts world, we now take emailed applications. Support material that cannot be emailed can still be sent by post or dropped off.

For the Joy, 902Post Joy, Newfoundland Joy and Helen Hill Animated Joy Awards email is optional. You can still submit a hard-copy application by mail or drop-off. Email should be sent to, or if your email is over 2MB, to

For the New Brunswick Joy Award email is mandatory. NB applications should be directed to Cat LeBlanc,

As always, if you have questions, get in touch!



Please stand by…

Welcome to the Joy Awards for 2013.

Due to a server error the website is getting some technical TLC and will be restored shortly. Most of the key information is here now though. Visit “How To Apply” for a list of the main requirements of applications.

Contact with any questions.

Deadline is September 6th, 5pm.
